Sound VQ enables you to download and listen to recent
and current songs on your computer.
Now you're thinking why bother when you can download
Sound VQ plays a special format of songs called VQFs, this format of music is the same
quality as CDs but the files are only about one quarter of the size of an MP3.........
So if you have an MP3 that is about 4mb, (average MP3
size) you could get the same song
from this website but it would
be about 1mb in size! This would take about 3-4 minutes
download on a 56k modem as opposed to 12+ minutes.
All you have to do to get started is to download the
Sound VQ software by Yamaha
(click the picture on the left). This file is
about 1.4mb in size so it will take just under
five minutes to download on
a 56k modem. Once you have the file, open it and install it.
To play the songs, download them from the Downloads
page, and when you have them on
your computer, double click on
them and they will open in the Sound VQ software and start to play.